Hi Shivya - This was wonderful. So grateful to see the world through your eyes. The best form of art reflects the inner voice of human beings much better than they themselves can. I have just been coming to grips with issues of low self esteem and I could resonate with everything you talk about in this article. Every time i doubt myself before taking a huge leap of faith this year - I will remember what the mountains and the deserts taught you! Thanks for writing this!

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Oh that was nice to read. For someone who, from where I stand is out there doing things , it came as a surprise and at the same time not. I'm a coach so I hear it a lot. Since 2020 Oct been setting myself free. It's working. Every year since, have taken up one major area - relationships 2021, sale marketing finance 2022, being consistent persistent planned disciplined 2023. So far it's working. The self doubt comes and goes. Lacks the intensity of the past. Lots of travel planned this year. Vancouver - daughter, Kazakhstan- Ironman and lots of trips to the coast of Andhra - ironman practice. If I manage to buy my motorcycle then several weekend trips from Hyderabad. Year end planning a trip with the guys - road trip to somewhere from Gurgaon. Feel free to recommend.

Good luck with whatever comes next for you. Take care. I've see people always do end up exactly where they want to be.

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Thank you for this! Inspiring<3 I've been wanting to read Quiet for a while and am going to move it to the top of my list!

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Hey Shivya, happy to see you back in my mail inbox. I am both an introvert and was once very low on self esteem, perhaps still am. Thanks for the book reco!

BTW - can you suggest some good places to stay and eat vegan/vegetarian in Mizoram and Tripura, if you've been there?

Lots of hugs and best wishes on the new twist in your journey!


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Thanks but your recommendation is $265 per night. I would rather stay in a $15 budget accommodation and donate $250 to an orphanage.

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